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Site by Riley Bathurst Design

Fun shred with Zephyr Lovelock!

October 16, 2014

Some fun late spring laps at Cardrona NZ!


August 18, 2014

Cheers Jay from Burton, Mons Royale,, Angus for the gopro rig and a massive shoutout to OHAU!!!

Peanut Butter Railjam 2014

July 21, 2014

Stampeding Grommies, unique features and everyone sending it! PBRJ 2014 at Cardrona!

My Throwback Lap – Snow Park NZ

July 2, 2014

Cheers Alex Bowater for filming this lap! R.I.P Snow Park NZ.

The Breck Grand Prix (that never happened)

January 17, 2014

Some practice footage from the Breck Grand Prix. Unfortunately finals were cancelled so no results. Cheers Colin for the filming!

A run at the Copper World Cup!

December 17, 2013

A quick run through the epic course at Copper! Cheers Colin for the chase film and commentary.

SNOW SHOW: Cardies shred with Friends!

July 18, 2013

Got some early season Shreddin’ with SIMPLE buddies Colin Bartlett and Craig Gouweloos!